We build products that auto-learn and optimize to display the most relevant ads and offers, in formats that provide a balance of user experience and revenue, while also providing industry leading user privacy protections. This creates long-term sustainable value and, at the same time, maximizes publisher revenue and provides high ROI to advertisers.
Media.net simplifies online advertising by building top-tier products across multiple segments within ad tech such that all of the customers' needs are met without them having to engage multiple vendors, or at their option, to use the Company's platform to unify the solutions from multiple vendors that they want to manage.
Our offerings incorporate proprietary machine-learning algorithms, sophisticated data processing, and detailed analytics capabilities to successfully target users.
We currently manage traffic that generates 70+ million paid ad clicks each month. By contrast, at the industry average display CTR of 0.08%, it will require others an estimated 87.5+ billion display ad impressions per month to generate this volume of ad clicks.
Media.net's suite is constantly self-optimizing based on its ability to analyze and learn from vast volumes of data. Additional data obtained from the volume of transactions on the platform make its algorithms more intelligent, leading to higher quality matching, stronger ROI for advertisers, and increased revenue for publishers. As a result of this high quality matching, Media.net attracts even more sellers, which in turn attracts more buyers, leading to strong network effects.